Just Some Kids From Massachusetts Colleges With Great Ideas And Funny Things To Say.

It's Also Your Girlfriend's Favorite Blog So You Should Probably Join and Learn What She Likes.

Be sure to become a fan on Facebook and Twitter to keep in the YGFB loop.


Started in 2010 in 216 Kennedy Tower, Farnzy started YFBG with just him and his roomate, Ben. They blogged when they felt like it, and added on Magnus, Double A, and Klique. Shorly after summer ended, YGFB hit a Great Depression, where people stopped posting and YGFB went un-read. A few months later, with a fre$h new design and a new attitude, YGFB rose from the ashes, and took the world of Facebook and Twitter by storm. With the addition of Nick to the team, YGFB see's a bright future.