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Sunday, May 15, 2011

What Not To Do: Part 3

This week apparently what not to do is be an American. Dont get me wrong, and these videos are a little older, around 4 years, but this is about a satirical news show called CNNNN from Australia. CNNNN, an award winning TV show popular in the UK and Australia, decided to take to the streets and interview americans with simple everyday questions. Granted they probably talked to hundreds of people, filtered out the ones who had correct normal answers, and showed the ones with stupid comical answers. The stupid answers still scare me. When asked what country should the U.S. invade next people said things like Iran and Iraq, ok logical answers based on past events but with the names of countries rearranged and Iraq written where Australia is and given a pin to place on the map several people put the pin on Australia. Ok it says Iraq but you should know that the entire continent of Australia has nothing to do with the Middle East. This is highly depressing.

In this video when asked what year 9/11 happened 33% of the Americans polled didn't know. Some didn't even know the day and month.
So basically my advise for this week is don't be too stupid, maybe learn something this week cause we all know school is over and it is time to let those cobwebs take over and go comatose for the next few months. Broaden your knowledge, read a book, and make sure you know that 9/11 is September 11th 2001. Not October and certainly not August 16th.


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