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Monday, May 2, 2011

Well Obama Just Got Re-Elected..

You know Obama is going to hype the shit out of this.. If you're Mitt Rodney, dont even put your name on the ballet. Wait another 4 years. It's over. Even though the special-ops group was founded by the republicans took this d-bag out, it was obama that gave it the green light. If it failed, Obama would have been scruitized like crazy. Now you got to give credit to the guy, he had the stones to go after this guy.

P.S. What a Great day to be an American!! How great is UMass!? We have the best students at UMass for stright up spontanuity. For example at Notre Dame there were "a couple usa chants" students said on facebook.. Well UMass did the same.. As we were jumping on buildings and going crazy.. You have to love this university, we recongize the significance of a moment, and we party it up like there's no tomorrow.. Let me tell you, the best nights are improvised.

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