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Monday, April 25, 2011

Worst Stand Up of ALL TIME!

How embarrassing is this? Why did his people let him do this? You're roasting a 7 billion dollar man who is running for president. You are the laughing stock of the country, and you pull this shit off? What makes things worse is that he actually thought he did well after the show.. I can't believe this douchebag grosses over 3 million a year, and im stuck working summers just to get by.. I'm sick of seeing this guy on commercials and shit other then the Shore.. Do as all the favor, stick to getting drunk and acting like a fool as we laugh at you, don't try to go into different types of entertainment. This is like a funny fat kid that loses a shit ton of weight and says the same shit and expects to be funny.. It's not funny anymore, its just awkward as hell...

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